【同义词辨析】 2017-04-27 狡猾sly-artful
sly: implies furtiveness, lack of candor, and skill in concealing one’s aims and methods: a ~ corporate-takeover scheme.
cunning: suggests the inventive use of sometimes limited intelligence in overreaching or circumventing: relentlessly ~ in her pursuit of the governorship. (overreach越权,circumvent避免或叫塞责)
crafty: implies cleverness and subtlety of method: a ~ trial lawyer.
tricky: suggests unscrupulous shiftiness and unreliability: a ~ interviewer who usually got what she wanted from her subject.
foxy: implies a shrewd and wary craftiness usually based on experience in devious dealing: a ~ thief got away with her jewels.
artful: implies insinuating or alluring indirectness in dealing and often connotes sophistication or coquetry or cleverness: an ~ matchmaker. (coquetry假装兴趣奉承without serious intention)
sly秘密: 偷偷(furtive和sly互释)不坦诚,巧妙隐藏目的方法,cunning:想方设法(有时小聪明invent, s.t. limited intelligence)去越权或塞责,crafty机灵(可能狡诈): 聪明微妙的(subtle指微小隐藏),tricky: 无所顾忌的(unscrupulous不顾忌不择手段)善变不可靠,foxy狡猾: 聪明又谨慎(shrewd,wary)的机灵, 通常惯犯,artful圆滑: 处事婉转吸引人,常表示世故奉承机灵。
记忆方法: 1)首字母FAST CaoCao: 说曹操曹操到==>枭雄狡猾
2) sly和furtive互释,表示偷偷。 谚语too much cunning can undermine its purpose: 过多巧思可能事与愿违(聪明反被聪明误)
3)狡猾的意思是通过非正当(devious)手段达到目的mean attaining or seeking to attain one’s ends by devious means.